Thursday, July 21, 2016

Faces, Places, Spaces #25


A Baby's Foot

My grandson, Andrew, holding his parent's wedding band and engagement ring on his foot

Canon 7D, ISO 200, 58mm, f/4.5, 1/160 sec


Waterfall on Cedar Creek

Cindy and I hiked the Pisgah National Forest in western North Carolina last month. We found this peaceful place and spent a couple of hours relaxing and taking in all it's beauty. 

Canon 7D, ISO 125, 16mm, f/16, 1.3 sec


While walking one of my favorite cities, I turned a corner and found these two US flags flying with the sun and the Chrysler Building in the background. With all the negative news surrounding our country, this reminds me that the USA has always been and will always be the greatest country.

ISO 320, 35mm, f/5.6, 1/1000 sec

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I hope you enjoy the blog and the photographs and if you do, please let others know. Always feel free to contact me if you would like to connect or comment.

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The "Short Picture Stories from Noble Coast Photography" blog is part of Noble Coast Photography. Located in Denver, North Carolina Noble Coast Photography features portrait photography and photography of natural and urban landscapes.  More work can be seen at the following sites: ,  Noble Coast Photography on Facebook, Noble Coast Photography on Flickr, and Google+



The "Short Picture Stories from Noble Coast Photography" blog is part of Noble Coast Photography. Located in Denver, North Carolina Noble Coast Photography features portrait photography and photography of natural and urban landscapes.  More work can be seen at the following sites

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Faces, Places, Spaces #24


Baby in the Garden

About 3 years ago, Peyton helped me pick the eggplants and tomatoes from our garden

Canon 7D, ISO 100, 24mm, f/5.6, 1/125 sec


Street Musician, San Francisco, CA

This woman was cranking out a jazzy number while I strolled the Fisherman's Wharf

Canon 7D, ISO 640, 35mm, f/5.6, 1/800 sec


Red Ranunculus

Cindy received a pot of colorful Ranunculus plants for Mother's Day, so pretty!

Canon 7D, ISO 320, 100mm macro, f/22, 2 sec

I hope you enjoy the blog and the photographs and if you do, please let others know. Always feel free to contact me if you would like to connect or comment.

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The "Short Picture Stories from Noble Coast Photography" blog is part of Noble Coast Photography. Located in Denver, North Carolina Noble Coast Photography features portrait photography and photography of natural and urban landscapes.  More work can be seen at the following sites: ,  Noble Coast Photography on Facebook, Noble Coast Photography on Flickr, and Google+

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