Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas and 2011 Children Portaits, some favorites

I think Christmas is the time of year that kids love most. It's so enjoyable to hear kids excitedly talk about Santa Claus and tell me how good they have been this year. I love seeing kids look wide eyed at Christmas lights and reach for all those bright decorations.

I've had many great opportunities to capture some precious moments of children this year. Some of my children portraits were the second or third time I had photographed the child. When I see the new photos it reminds me of how fast time goes by and how fast our children grow. I enjoy recording a child's life in photographs knowing that the picture will forever remind us of that time. I'd like to share some of my favorite children portraits from 2011.

My best wishes to everyone for a Happy Holiday and hope you spend time with the ones you love.




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