Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Craggy Dome

Living in North Carolina has a natural advantage that I truly enjoy.  Being close to the Atlantic Ocean you can enjoy the beauty and pleasures of the North and South Carolina coast with it's sandy beaches. However if a mountain hike is something that you enjoy, you can easily travel along the Blue Ridge Parkway and virtually find a new place to explore any day you visit. North Carolina makes it easy to find nature's beauty.

Craggy Dome located at mile post 364 on the Blue Ridge Parkway has over a 6100 foot elevation and is home to unique vegetation and breathtaking views of the nearby rugged "Great Craggies" mountains. Standing on the bald Craggy Dome, and surrounded by short mountain shrubbery I was treated to a bright blue Carolina sky reflected on the mountains and into the valleys. Another beautiful Blue Ridge vista to treasure!

Thank you for viewing the blog and have a great week!


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